Visualizing ammo count in screen in form of current and max

Jun 17, 2021


Previously, the ammo left is visualized through text. This time around we will visualize ammo in form of current and max with sprites.

I will use delegates again to signal each ammo if it should still keep its current state or swap images whether it should show if it has ammo or not:

As you can se above, it depends on the value of _id and _hasAmmo if its sprite will be swapped or not.

In the UpdateScore() of UIManager I added call to Update the sprite:

public static Action<int, Sprite[]> UpdateAmmoSprite;private void UpdateAmmo(int ammo)
_ammoText.text = "Ammo: " + ammo;
UpdateAmmoSprite(ammo, _ammoSprites);

Now, I can visualize ammo remaining via text or image.




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