It contains the following sections:
Hierarchy: Every game object that you place on the screen will be placed inside the Hierarchy
Project: Consists of project files such as prefabs, sprites, materials, FBX, audio, animation, fonts, etc.
Scene view: This is the view used when placing game objects in the scene. The player will not see this screen.
Game view: This is the view that the player who will play your game will see
Inspector: Contains viewable and editable properties of the selected object in the Hierarchy or Project
Console: Compiler, Debug and Runtime errors, warnings and logs are printed in this page
However, when you design games you may want to customize the layout to make it more intuitive to your needs as a game designer and developer. Here’s how to set it up.
Select the Tall Layout from the selection in the right-hand corner.
As you can see from the tall layout, the emphasis here is the scene window where you will design your game level.
However, it would be best to see the Scene view and Game view at the same time so you can preview the Game look and feel before you even run your game. However, since I have an extra monitor, I would place the game view in the extended monitor to have more screen space for both views. Assuming you do not have an extra monitor, just drag the Game view to middle-right split it vertically:
You can also drag the Game view to the middle-bottom to split it horizontally:
For me, it depends on the screen orientation of your game if you decide to use a horizontal or vertical split.
On the project explorer, click the 3 dots, to change the layout from one column layout to two.
Changing the layout to one column makes it easier to navigate through your project files.
Finally, to be able to switch to this layout at any time, you will need to save these settings:
There you have it! You now have a nice professional editor layout for Unity you can easily invoke at any time.